3rd Annual Medicare Advantage Broker-Carrier Panel Discussion

  • August 15, 2013
  • 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Embassy Suites Anaheim
OC Health Underwriters (OCAHU), Inland Empire (IEAHU), and the San Diego Association of Health Underwriters (SDAHU) in conjunction with Applied General Agency and AppleCare, will be hosting the Third Annual Medicare Advantage Broker-Carrier Panel discussion. This will take place on August 15th at the Embassy Suites Anaheim located at 3100 E Frontera Street , Anaheim from 9-11:30 am, with check in at 8:30 am.

Last year's meeting was highly successful in providing you with information regarding carrier interpretation of the CMS rules and regulations, with an emphasis on marketing compliance, sales, and compensation. It appears that each carrier has their own interpretation of the CMS guidelines. Through the question and answer format, the carriers heard the concerns of the brokers.
The purpose of this meeting is for the dissemination of accurate information to the brokers concerning the carrier interpretation of CMS guidelines. This forum will allow us to have a voice about our concerns, clarifications of the carrier policies, and an understanding of how the carrier plans to implement the suggested guidelines. This year's panel discussion will focus on the changes from 2013 to 2014 CMS marketing guidelines and carrier viewpoint of the Affordable Care Act and its impact on our industry. We will also address the oversight and conduct of Secret Shoppers.  
Please RSVP your attendance to the number listed below. Thank you and we look forward to your participation.

Embassy Suites, 3100 E Frontera Street
Anaheim CA 92806

Cost: Free
To RSVP call
Save your spot.  Space is limited!

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