Understanding ACOs and How to Incorporate Them into Small and Large Group Sales

  • April 21, 2015
  • 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Word & Brown General Agency

Understanding ACOs and How to Incorporate Them into Small and Large Group Sales

Join us as we welcome Dr. Richard Afable, President and CEO of St. Joseph Hoag Health to discuss Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs). 
  • We have all heard of ACOs but we may not understand how they work and why they are effective in reducing claims and ultimately bending the cost curve.
  • OCAHU Board Member Lawrence Hartley will also share the current ACOs in the market in both Small Group and Large Group and how you can use ACOs to provide the best solution for your clients.

Dr. Richard Afable, MD, MPH

President and CEO

St. Joseph Hoag Health

Word & Brown General Agency

721 S. Parker Street

Balboa Room

Orange CA 92868

Cost to Attend: $25 per person

Registration: 7:30 AM | 8 AM OCAHU Business | 8:30 to 9:30 AM Speaker Presentation

SEATING IS LIMITED to 60 people!


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