Leading Producers Roundtable (LPRT)

The Leading Producers Round Table formed in 1942 to recognize the successful underwriters of Accident & Health Insurance. Today, the LPRT committee is committed to making LPRT the premier program for top Health, Disability, Long-Term Care and Worksite Marketing Insurance producers, carrier reps, carrier management, and general agency/agency managers.

LPRT_Logo.jpg2016 LPRT Qualifiers

LPRT Applications & Forms

The deadline for LPRT applications is March 31.

Soaring Eagle Symposium 2017

Exclusive event for Soaring Eagles

June 24, 2017
Renaissance Orlando Sea World, FL

Click here for the preliminary agenda.

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LPRT History

NAHU formed the Leading Producers Round Table in 1942 to recognize the successful underwriters of Accident & Health Insurance. Today, the LPRT committee is committed to making LPRT the premier program for top Health, Disability, Long-Term Care and Worksite Marketing Insurance producers, carrier reps, carrier management, and general agency/agency managers. Through the hard work of the LPRT committee members, LPRT will offer new membership benefits, exclusive LPRT events, and new categories and qualification requirements.

LPRT Qualifier Discounts

A 5% discount on all NAHU services and meetings, including Capitol Conference and the Annual Convention, is given to qualifiers at the Leading Producers and Presidents' Council levels of production.

A 10% discount on all NAHU services and meetings, including Capitol Conference and the Annual Convention, is given to qualifiers at the Eagle, Golden Eagle and Lifetime levels of production.


The Leading Producers Round Table sponsors two NAHU web seminars each year that deal with advanced topics of interest to the top producers in the industry. The seminars are open to the general public, but all LPRT qualifiers are able to attend the LPRT sponsored web seminars free of charge.

LPRT Educational Track at the NAHU Annual Convention

The LPRT focused educational track at the NAHU Annual Convention, like the LPRT webinars, has an advanced focus.

LPRT Qualification Information*

Qualification categories

Personal Production:
Business written by a single producer

Carrier Representatives:
An employee of an insurance carrier working with producers

Management of a general agency or agency.

Carrier Management:
Carrier/Home Office sales managers, directors of sales & vice presidents of sales

Levels of Membership

Available to members applying for the first 9 consecutive years of qualification OR for the first 14 total years.

Available to members applying and qualifying for 10+ consecutive years OR for 15+ total years; for members that are no longer in production.

Life & Qualifying:
Available to members that still generate production at qualifying level and have achieved lifetime membership.

Awards Categories

Leading Producer Qualifier
President's Council
Golden Eagle

Promotional Materials

LPRT Press Release Templates

Document Frames for LPRT Certificates

Order Form

2024-2025 Corporate Sponsors 





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