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What is NABIP PAC?

NABIP PAC is the political action committee of the National Association of Benefits and Insurance Professionals (NABIP). It is the expression of our First Amendment rights to free speech and association guaranteed under the Constitution. Such political expression has become far more than a useful option for professionals in a heavily regulated business like the health insurance industry. It has become a necessity.

Since NABIP and similar organizations are prohibited from making political contributions, NABIP PAC was created to allow contributors to combine their political and financial support to a candidate to achieve maximum effect.

NABIP PAC is registered with the Federal Election Commission.

Why is NABIP PAC Necessary?

Few other industries are as heavily regulated as health insurance. Therefore, your success, and that of your clients, is directly dependent upon the actions of Congress. It is absolutely critical that we help those congressional candidates who support private-sector health insurance.

How Does NABIP PAC Help Make a Difference?

NABIP PAC allows NABIP members to combine their resources and strength to make a difference where it will have the greatest impact for our colleagues, our clients and, above all, our country. It is imperative that NABIP members work together to counteract the strong and united forces of special-interest groups that oppose the free enterprise system of health care.

Who can contribute to NABIP PAC?

Only NABIP members, their families and staff can contribute to NABIP PAC.

Clients of NABIP members may not contribute to NABIP PAC. All donations must be made by individuals--FEC regulations prohibit PAC contributions by corporations or companies.

Who Does NABIP PAC Contribute to?

NABIP PAC contributes to majority and minority party candidates, incumbents and challengers alike. Because it is non-partisan, it does not represent the interests of any political party.

How Does NABIP PAC Decide on Contributions?

Decisions are made by vote of the NABIP PAC Board of Trustees, appointed by the NAHU president. Candidates for NABIP PAC contributions are evaluated on a variety of factors, including: recommendations from NABIP members; support of NABIP policies; accessibility to our members; willingness to learn; and congressional committee and political party responsibilities; among others.

Can  NABIP PAC Make Contributions to Candidates for State Office?

Yes and no. In July 2003, NABIP PACs Board of Trustees approved a policy change to contribute to candidates for state governors' and elected insurance commissioners' races. NABIP PAC does not participate in any other state-based races. State association PACs, however, may contribute to other state candidates. If you state association is interested in starting a state PAC, please contact us.


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